_mitterpach 6 hours ago

If your assignments are so easily circumvented by AI, you're not actually teaching much I think.

The way I see it, either one of two options will happen:

1. Trust based assessments Everything will be continue as is now, only the students will be asked nicely not to use any AI in their learning, with the explanation that they're only shooting themselves in the foot by not learning anything that will be required later in life.

2. Back to basics Everything will be paper-based again, with only in-person tests being used for grading. This sucks for a lot of reasons.

I don't see the education field innovating in any way, especially if it means adding more work on top for teachers, in the form of designing tests specifically to be AI-proof. The entire educational system stands on the shoulders of low-paid, overworked teachers, who are burnt out already.