simne 5 hours ago

We cannot estimate anything, because we just have too little information about ET life.

We cannot even accurately estimate how long any given life form has existed.

For example, Earth is relatively young planet, and exists planets which are Billion years older.

And according to Turing theorem, we could only understand life form similarly developed or less developed than our.

So, if we will encounter similarly developed or less developed life form (younger than our), we could make decision what to do with it.

But if we will encounter much older life form, I think limit is just about few hundred years difference, we just will not understand them, may be even they will look like natural phenomena or super-natural as gods.

And when we will encounter less developed ETs, we cannot be sure, that nearby not hidden much more developed ETs, which could wipe us. So I think, safest for us will be to avoid any interaction and research them with remote sense technologies.

  • nothrowaways 2 hours ago

    > So I think, safest for us will be to avoid any interaction and research them with remote sense technologies.


LinuxBender 6 hours ago

Are we planning to coexist with aliens or do we colonize them?

We struggle to get along with ourselves. We struggle to visit the moon. We can't even survive in a controlled simulation of another planet. We are already dying out in reference to replacement rates in most countries workers and consumers vs retired etc... It is not even clear that we are anywhere near passing the phase of wars with one another.

If another species exists that manages to get all the way here the decision regarding what happens will be entirely up to them in my opinion.

  • overu589 6 hours ago

    Fortunately some do not travel to “get some where”. Some travel simply to go.

JohnFen 7 hours ago

The reason why people get nervous about aliens showing up and wiping us out or enslaving us is because that's exactly what we'd do to aliens if we turned up at their planet.

  • nothrowaways 2 hours ago

    When we are the ones traveling, aren't we the aliens?

RegnisGnaw 7 hours ago

Depends on who is more advanced in terms of weapons. If we're more advanced, we will wipe them out. If they are more advanced, we will try to co-exist.

overu589 7 hours ago

Man is savage and beastial and must be dealt with so.

Some day, there will be those who comprehend civilizing accord, without which we will only know savage power.

Btw, they’re already here and they can hear you think!

bell-cot 7 hours ago

Your question seems to presuppose quick, cheap, and reliable transportation between our planet(s) and theirs. (And that being wiped out by each other's microorganisms is not a concern.)

Vs. if we've technically "encountered" them, but it takes (say) 100 years and $1B per person to travel in between? Only the most fanatical - who probably can't afford the time, nor ticket price - might support any policy except peaceful coexistence.

pestatije 3 hours ago

worry not, if theres intelligent life theyll find us, not us them

Finnucane 7 hours ago

Given our history of encounters with other life forms on our own planet, I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope. If we can kill/eat them, we will.