bbqfog 2 months ago

> Saar doesn’t have a detailed plan for how to spend the money yet, but at the time he signed the coalition agreement with Netanyahu, his office released a statement saying it would be used to influence sentiment in the foreign press and on social media.

xenospn 2 months ago

Israelis are so incredibly bad at PR, and no amount of money in the world can “influence” dead Palestinian kids away. Use that $150M to build a field hospital in Gaza instead of tiktok.

  • throw310822 2 months ago

    Good enough that the large scale massacre and destruction in Gaza is still "controversial" in the West instead of being universally condemned. That's as good as they need it, enough doubt and disagreement as to prevent others from stopping or sanctioning them.

    • xenospn 2 months ago

      I mean, they were invaded and many towns and villages were pillaged and razed, and there are still civilian hostages in Gaza. That alone still guarantees large scale support in most of the world. What they’re trying to do is win over TikTok and Reddit, which seems futile.

      • bbqfog 2 months ago

        Zionists have been doing all of that to the indigenous Palestinians for over 75 years. History didn't start on Oct 7th, although the Israeli propaganda would love for people to believe that and never look into Nakba, the Balfour Declaration...

      • throw310822 2 months ago

        > That alone still guarantees large scale support in most of the world

        No, that's the argument that their propaganda uses to elicit that support. They have been victim of a terrorist counter-attack from the people they oppress and massacre since decades; it lasted 48 hours and resulted in a few hundred hostages taken and 800 civilians dead (many of them probably killed by the Israelis themselves, who have a policy of killing their own to prevent them becoming hostages).

        Since then, Israel launched a campaign of total destruction and massacre, with the clear and often stated intent of ethnic cleansing and annexation of Gaza- a campaign that resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the entire region razed to the ground. Something comparable to what the Nazis did to Warsaw. The idea that the terrorist act by Hamas can justify anything like this is pure folly, outside of Israeli propaganda. In fact their PM is wanted for crimes against humanity. This is not even accounting for the fact that Palestinians, as an oppressed and occupied people, have a right to defend themselves- a right that Israel as the oppressor and occupier doesn't have.