Anyone Can Buy Data Tracking US Soldiers an Spies to Nuclear Vaults and Brothels 13 points by SirLJ 13 days ago
AttakBanana 12 days ago Shouldn't the companies selling the data bear more responsibility than the brokers? hulitu 12 days ago > Shouldn't the companies selling the data bear more responsibility than the brokers?No. Business is business. You agreed to the TOS, didnt't you ? /s
hulitu 12 days ago > Shouldn't the companies selling the data bear more responsibility than the brokers?No. Business is business. You agreed to the TOS, didnt't you ? /s
metalman 12 days ago and what? presumably most good spy agencys still rely on taxi drivers and whores for there best intel
Shouldn't the companies selling the data bear more responsibility than the brokers?
> Shouldn't the companies selling the data bear more responsibility than the brokers?
No. Business is business. You agreed to the TOS, didnt't you ? /s
and what? presumably most good spy agencys still rely on taxi drivers and whores for there best intel