elric 3 days ago

> The pain is protective because it’s telling the person to rest and recover and sleep

Try telling that to people who have pain so intense they end up in a cycle of vomiting and sleeping for a period of 72 hours.

> the brain experiences a blackout called a cortical spreading depression (CSD), when neuronal activity shuts down for a short time

Blackout does not sound like a good description. CSD travels across the cortex in a "wave", where the part currently affected by the wave is depolarized. Nothing is shutting down.

There are a lot of people who get migraine headaches without aura, and there are a lot of people who get migraine auras without headaches. The article doesn't seem to take that into account at all, and I can't seem to find a link to the research? The DOI link just points at the same short article?

Edit: I didn't mean to sound like a debbie downer. I'm happy with any and all migraine research, and this seems to look at things from a different perspective, which might lead to new discoveries.

gnabgib 3 days ago

Article title: What causes migraines? Study of ‘brain blackout’ offers clues